Our “Rainbow puppy ‘s name was Bula, and she left us July 29th of last year. In 2008 our last child went off to college and we found ourselves “empty nesters” in a very quiet home. But, to celebrate we took a trip to Fiji where the people were unbelievably warm and friendly, punctuated by there greeting BULA, which means hello, how are ya, good to see you, etc. upon our return home I surprised Pamela with a valentines present, an 8 week old female Goldendoddle puppy. She was thrilled and when deciding a name we immediately turn to the Fijian greeting BULA.She quickly captured our hearts and went tobe the most special dog ever, thanks to all the training Ann provided over the years. She became one of the first therapy dogs at Sky Harbor Airport and was a fixture there for many years. Unfortunately we lost her to cancer, but her love, loyalty, and memory will live forever. Thank you Animal Actors of Arizona for all your hard work training our Bula to become the best part of who she was!